What’s For Lunch?


What’s For Lunch?

Save calories and money by packing your own lunch in an old-fashioned brown bag

How much do you typically spend when you eat out for lunch—$5, $10, or even $15? That can add up quickly to between $100 and $300 a month or $1,200–3,600 a year.

Money isn’t the only concern. Calories are hard to manage at restaraunts, too. Yes, it may be fun eating with your coworkers, but think of all the money and calories you could save if you just spent a few minutes before bed or in the morning packing a simple lunch. A little extra effort can make a big difference in the size of your bank account and your waist.

When you pack your own lunch you have the ability to control portion sizes and what ingredients are in your food. Unfortunately, many people get stuck in a rut when it comes to packed lunches. The same peanut butter and jelly sandwich day after day can get old quickly. Here are a few ideas that may inspire you to pack a few more lunches this week.

The Go-To Sandwich

When you think of packed lunch, you likely think of sandwiches. If you’re a sandwich person, that’s great. There are numerous kinds of sandwiches and wraps you can make in a jiffy. Should you go this route, always choose whole-wheat bread, wraps, or pitas.

Then add your fillings. And make them healthy! Try tuna fish, lean deli meats, grilled chicken, humus, or egg slices. Include veggies like greens, sprouts, cucumber slices, onions, tomatoes, olives, or pickles. Top it off with light mayonnaise (or no mayo at all), mustard, olive oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, and other spices to add flavor. If you must, add a slice of low-fat cheese.


Unless you’re opposed to eating last night’s dinner, leftovers make easy and delicious lunches the next day. Purposefully make extra food for dinner then divide up the leftovers in small containers. In the morning all you have to do is grab it and go. Put your food in the fridge at work and microwave it when lunchtime rolls around. Hot lunch you don’t have to feel guilty about? Score!

You can also spend a couple hours on your day off making a big pot of soup, chili, or your favorite meal. Then divide it into containers and place them in the freezer for the days you don’t have time to pack a lunch.

Canned or Frozen

You have to be picky about what you buy, but stocking up on low-calorie, low-sodium canned or frozen meals is a quick and easy way to save a few bucks at lunch. In the morning grab can of soup or a frozen dinner entrée and you’re good to go.

Snacks and Sides

Nutritious, low-calorie snacks can be part of a healthy diet. A small morning and afternoon snack provide the energy you need to function at your best. With plenty of these on hand, you won’t need any more stops at the vending machine. A piece of fruit, some raw veggies, a handful of nuts, a cup of low-fat yogurt, a granola bar, or whole-wheat crackers and hummus spread are great options for simple packed snacks.

If needed, include a couple sides to go with your sandwich, left-overs, or canned soup to fill you up. Pack a small salad (or a large salad for the main dish), apple slices, carrot or celery sticks, or some whole-grain chips.

Drink Smart

Save even more money and calories by bringing something from home to drink. Pack a water bottle or a to-go mug of coffee or tea to keep you from stopping by the coffee shop or vending machine. And when you’re feeling hungry, drink some more water. It may just quench your hunger.

Try packing your own lunch tomorrow and see how easy and yummy it can be.

Not Fine With Fine Lines


Not Fine With Fine Lines


Keep smooth with these tips

There’s no denying the fact: you’re getting older. As the years pass by you’ll notice small changes in the appearance of your skin when you look in the mirror. Where there was once smooth, young-looking skin you’ll see signs of aging creeping across your face and neck.

While wrinkles and fine lines may be an inevitable part of aging, there are ways you can slow the aging process. Through topical agents, medical procedures, diet, and lifestyle changes, you can reduce the appearance of the lines and creases that show your age.

Look and feel younger with these tips.

Anti-Wrinkle Creams

Numerous products claim to reduce wrinkles and smooth skin but only the ones with certain ingredients have anything to back their claims. Make sure the cream or lotion you use contains one of these active ingredients.
Alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) are acids found in fruits that work to remove dead skin cells and reveal younger looking skin underneath. Fine lines and wrinkles are diminished thanks to AHAs, especially around the eyes. High amounts of AHAs may encourage the skins’ production of collagen, the protein in the skin that keeps it firm.

Retinol, a form of vitamin A, is a naturally occurring antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals, the oxygen molecules that harm skin cells and cause wrinkles.

A second antioxidant, vitamin C is also effective at reducing fine lines by increasing collagen production and protecting the skin from sun damage. You may see L-ascoribic acid on the ingredient label, meaning vitamin C.
Idebenone is similar to the antioxidant coenzyme Q10, and has proved successful in reducing roughness, dryness, wrinkles, and sun damage.
Pentapeptides are another ingredient shown to increase collagen production and reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

Medical/Spa Treatments

Need more help than creams can give? Get professional help reducing wrinkles from a dermatologist or spa facility. There are a number of options available. Here are some of the most popular.
Botox injections relax the muscles underneath wrinkles so the skin will lie flat and smooth over the muscles.

With laser or light resurfacing, light energy removes the outer skin cells and kicks the skin’s ability to produce collagen into gear, smoothing wrinkles and diminishing fine lines.

A chemical peel treatment works in a similar way to laser treatments, by burning away the top layer of skin and prompting collagen production.
With dermabrasion, a suction device removes old skin cells while pulling new, smooth skin to the surface.

And lastly, doctors may use wrinkle fillers, which are substances applied to the wrinkles to fill in creases and reveal smooth skin.

Foods for Skin Health

Antioxidants and healthy fats are two must-have ingredients in a wrinkle-fighting diet. The antioxidants found in fruits, vegetables, coffee, and tea work to reverse and prevent skin damage caused by free radicals. Eat a variety of these foods for a diet high in skin-saving goodness.

The right amount of body fat will give your skin a smooth appearance and nourish skin cells. Fatty acids are also an important part of cell membranes that help cells keep moisture in while remaining firm and plump. Eating foods high in omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, tuna, walnuts, and almonds is one way to reduce or prevent wrinkles.

Taking care of your body by eating a healthy diet, exercising, not smoking, managing stress, and getting enough sleep can do wonders for your skin and complexion. But always remember, wrinkles aren’t the end of the world. They are a sign of aging and of a life well lived. Do what you can to fend off this telltale sign of aging, but be proud of the lines etched by years of smiling that you can’t erase.


Nine great benefits of weight loss !


Why Lose?

Besides the obvious, here are nine benefits of weight loss.

You’re on the journey to lose weight. Whether this is your first attempt or your tenth, you can do it! Making wise choices and the right changes can lead to a new lifestyle that will reveal a new you. The thin clothes you’ve been saving in your closet for that day will be a great reward. But the benefits of weight loss go far beyond feeling confident in your swimsuit and skinny jeans.
Losing just 7 to 10 percent of your body weight is all it takes to experience huge perks of weight loss. So get on it!

Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels. –Elizabeth Berg

1. Improve Health

Let’s just start with your health. While being overweight is clearly connected toan increased risk of life-threatening diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, losing a few pounds can lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, lower triglycerides, reverse or even prevent diabetes, and prevent cancer.

2. Increase Energy

Carrying extra weight around day in and day out can zap your energy. Climbing stairs or walking to the mailbox can leave you short of breath. Household chores, caring for children, making meals, or doing your job become more and more difficult the more weight you carry around. Want your energy back? Lose a few pounds through diet and exercise and get the pep back in your step.

3. Get Better Sleep

Wake up feeling tired? Wish you could nap during the day? You may have sleep apnea, a sleep disorder that occurs when the airway becomes obstructed, disturbing your sleep. This condition is common in overweight people. Lose weight, reduce your apnea symptoms, and get a good night of rest.

4. Reduce Pain

Chronic pain is a frequent complaint of overweight people. Low back pain, aching joints, and foot pain are a few of the main culprits. It makes sense. Extra weight places a strain on the back, which can cause pinched nerves, herniated discs, and sciatica. Added pounds take a toll on your joints. The knees are especially hard hit, and the feet bear it all. It’s time to lose the weight and get off the pain meds.

5. Enhance Memory

Notice you’ve been forgetting things lately? Can’t remember a person’s name or where you put your car keys? People of normal weight score higher on tests of memory, learning, and attention than obese people. Obesity also places one at an increased risk for dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in old age.

6. Boost Mood

There’s a close connection between weight gain and depression. It can become a vicious cycle. You’re depressed so you eat more and sit around. Then you gain weight, so you get depressed. Unfortunately, a side effect of antidepressants is weight gain. The good news is that exercise and a healthy diet can boost your mood and treat symptoms of depression.

7. Clear Skin

Being overweight may lead to skin problems due to hormonal imbalances, stretched skin, pressure on the veins, allergies, swelling, and retained moisture in body creases. Weight loss and a healthy diet can greatly improve the appearance of your skin and complexion.

8. Improve Fertility

Obesity increases one’s chance of fertility trouble. For women, obesity can lead to ovulation irregularities and problems conceiving. Obese men are at an increased risk for lower testosterone levels, reduced sperm counts, and erectile dysfunction. Lose extra weight to improve your overall reproductive health.

9. Feel Confident

Weight loss is a freeing thing. You have energy, you can move around without pain, you’re in a better mood, and your risk of disease is diminished, not to mention you can fit in your skinny jeans. These benefits are self-perpetuating when it comes to weight loss. Lose a few pounds, feel better about yourself, and you’ll have the motivation to lose more!


Have you ever had a question about fitness or working out???????


Q and A

Have you ever had a question about fitness or working out and you never could find the answer?

Please ask them in the comments.  I will be answering questions every week.

1 month of Free Online Personal Training from BanekFitness.com will be awarded to a random winner every week. Winners will be selected from the questions submitted in the comments.

Get your loved one to exercise without nagging.


No More Nagging

Get your loved one to exercise without nagging.

What happens when you work hard to stay in shape, maintain your weight, and be healthy while your spouse refuses to exercise? You may suffer as well.

Even though your spouse may be on the verge of diabetes, obesity, or high blood pressure, he or she may not see the importance of exercise.

You beg, you nag, and you give gentle reminders but nothing seems to work. This can be a frustrating situation that strains a relationship. You want your loved one to be healthy but don’t know what to say or what to do to make him or her feel the same about exercise as you do.

You can’t force your spouse to exercise, but here are a few ideas to create an atmosphere conducive to make exercise a group activity.

Figure Out Why

It’s hard to change someone’s behavior if you don’t know the reasons behind their actions. All you may see is laziness, excuses, and other priorities. But don’t be so quick to judge. Your spouse has reasons for not exercising, whether they’re valid or not. It’s important to uncover why your spouse prefers to be on the couch rather than at the gym.

Maybe your husband or wife doesn’t like to be told what to do. Give your love the freedom to make the choice and you may be delightfully surprised. (Note to self: lay low and give your spouse space.)

Many people just don’t feel like they have time for exercise, don’t want to miss out on family time, or hate the gym. When you know the reasons, you can offer your support, give suggestions, and work together to make it happen.

Set an Example

You can talk all you want about exercise, but until your spouse sees the positive difference it makes in your daily life, skepticism will remain. Show rather than tell. Don’t let your significant other’s poor attitude influence your commitment to exercise. Stick with it and reach your goals.

When your spouse watches as you lose weight, get fit, relieve stress, and lower your blood pressure, you won’t be working out alone for long.

Focus on Small Steps

For someone out of shape and in poor health, exercise can seem overwhelming. It’s easy to get stuck in a rut and remain comfortable with your lifestyle. It can take courage to make changes.

That’s why it’s important to celebrate the small steps. Don’t expect your spouse to run a mile or keep up with you from day one. But when he or she joins in a basketball game with the kids or takes a walk with you after dinner, make a big deal out of it. Celebrate the small stuff and the big stuff will come.

Get Regular Check-Ups

It’s often in one ear and out the other when a spouse urges a partner to exercise for good health. You can give statistics, medical facts, and even personal success stories, but words may not seem to make any difference. A doctor’s advice, on the other hand, usually holds more weight.

Hearing the words, “Your high blood pressure puts you at risk for early death. Your spouse and kids need you around,” may kick your hubby or wife into gear.

What Not to Do

It’s easy to let your frustration and worries come out in hurtful words. Belittling or criticizing your spouse for being overweight or not wanting to exercise, especially in front of others, is never the right thing to do.
When your spouse finally agrees to exercise with you, don’t be a “know it all.” Avoid pointing out incorrect form or technique. Let your trainer lend your spouse a hand.

And remember that guilt and manipulation tactics never motivate someone to exercise. Pestering and nagging will only raise the walls farther. A commitment to exercise has to come from within. All you can do is create an atmosphere that’s conducive to a healthy lifestyle and wait.

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Here’s What’s For Dinner !!!!


Here’s what’s for Dinner!!!!
Asparagus and Smoked Salmon Salad
This is one of our favorites! A truly fabulous, tasty salad!

Categories: Low Carb, Lunch, Low Calorie, Dinner, Low Cholesterol, Dairy-Free, High Fiber Diet

Here’s What You Need
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1/4 cup olive oil
2 heads red leaf lettuce, rinsed and torn
1/4 pound smoked salmon, cut into 1 inch chunks
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 pound fresh asparagus, trimmed and cut into 1 inch pieces
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1/2 cup pecans, broken into pieces
1/2 cup frozen green peas, thawed
1/2 teaspoon salt
Bring a pot of water to a boil.

Place asparagus in the pot, and cook 5 minutes, just until tender.
Drain, and set aside.
Place the pecans in a skillet over medium heat.
Cook 5 minutes, stirring frequently, until lightly toasted.
In a large bowl, toss together the asparagus, pecans, red leaf lettuce, peas, and salmon.
In a separate bowl, mix the olive oil, lemon juice, Dijon mustard, salt, and pepper.
Toss with the salad or serve on the side.
Nutrition Facts
Servings: 8, Calories: 162, Fat: 13.1g, Cholesterol: 3mg, Sodium: 290mg, Carbohydrate: 7.8g, Protein: 6g


Training for My 1st Spartan Race !!!!!





I am a very emotional man. I cry during sad movies and I think I cried more at my wedding than my wife did.  The other day I was watching a quick minute of a Spartan Race that was on NBC Sports channel and I started to cry. I am not sure which episode it was but it showed a vet that had lost his legs and now had prosthetic replacements and was competing in the race. Now I only saw a minute of it, but it made me so grateful for everything that I have and being ex-military myself it struck home even more.  It sparked this fire in me that had not been there in a long time. Tori was in the other room and I yelled to her “Tori we are going to do a Spartan Race!”.  “What!” she said and came running into the room. I then told her all about what I had just witnessed and she being the awesome wife she is said “oh ok” not really sure what she was getting into but that is just one of the many reasons I married her. I just felt the need to run the race first of all because I am a little crazy and think “extreme” type racing is cool and second for all the people who feel they can’t or won’t.  I don’t have any disabilities but if I am able to inspire someone to get up off the couch and feel the fire that I felt and get motivated to get healthy then all the pain that will come from the training will be worth it. So I am writing this blog to help track my wife and my progress as we train and run each day.  We are both over 40 years old and have never ran a race like this before. Over the last few of months (6 or so) we both let ourselves go and we put on a decent amount of weight. For me it was about 40 pounds that I had put on and since I was not working out, I had lost a considerable amount of muscle mass as well.

This was me Oct 1st, 2014

Fat me

Fat me

Yes, those are stretch marks on my stomach and moobs!!!! (I can’t believe how fast I got fat and out of shape). In the last 30 days I have lost 20 pounds and I am down from 245ish to 225 this morning. I’ll take a picture tomorrow or the next day so you can see me now. Tori had also not been working out over the last few months, but I will let her tell you that story.

Fat Tori BackFat Tori frontFat Tori Side


She is doing great and in the last 30 days lost 12 pounds. If you want to follow her, you can check out her blog @ http://over40fitness4utoribanek.wordpress.com/

We plan to start in SoCal with a Sprint, which is a 3+mile race with 15+ obstacles in it. The race we are going to run is on January 25, 1015.  We would love to get a team together so if anyone from Las Vegas would like to run with us write in the comments and we will get with you.  Mind you, this will be our first race and we are out of shape so we are aiming to just finish our first race and then improve from there. Here is the link to the Spartan website http://www.spartan.com/events/?event_id=295/socal-sprint

The second race we will be running is a Super that will be here in Las Vegas on April 18th, 2015. A super is 5+ miles long and will have 20+ obstacles. Here is the link for that race http://www.spartan.com/events/?event_id=427/las-vegas-super .

Currently I can run 2 miles and 3 miles I can do but it is tough. I will be training over the next 3 months to improve my distance, strength and endurance training.  I will be posting some of my workouts as well as my daily trials and tribulations that we (Tori and I) encounter along the way to a healthier life and the race of our lives.

If you like what you have read please be sure to like me on Facebook and follow my blog.


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