Live In las Vegas??????? Get paid To Get In Shape!!!!!!!



The Basics

  • You get in the best shape of your life in just 6 weeks.
  • Lose 3-5 inches on your waist and 12-29 pounds during the 6-Week Program.
  • Measurements and Pictures must be taken within 48 hours of start and finish date @ BanekFitness Located at 200 E. Lake Mead Parkway, Henderson, NV, 89015.
  • Male, Female and Best Before and After Picture are the 3 categories in which CASH PRIZES will be awarded.
  • Prizes :
    • 1st Place – $250 (minimum 50% of entry will be put back into the prize pool)
    • 2nd Place -$100 (minimum 50% of entry will be put back into the prize pool)
  • Workouts are self-paced and can be customized for all fitness levels.
  • 6 weeks worth of great tasting meal plans
  • 50+ Easy to make recipes
  • 30+ different “Snack Ideas”
  • Dietary Fat Guide
  • Basic “Cheat Day” Guide
  • Grocery List
  • And more…….

 All for only $10

Sign Up Soon Entry Goes Up In January.

Sign Up or find out more information @

Get in shape fast with the Couch to 5K program.


Out of shape but tired of sitting around all day? Maybe you’ve never run a mile in your life but have always wondered what it would be like to compete in a 5K race. Don’t count it out just yet! No matter how out of shape you are, it’s never too late to work toward such a worthy goal. The satisfaction of finishing a race and getting fit will be worth the work, not to mention the benefits of losing weight and improving your health.
If you’re ready to go from sitting on your couch to running 3.2 miles in as little as two months, you can do it with the help of a popular app called “Couch to 5K.” By following the training schedule set forth with this app, you’ll be able to call yourself a runner and sign up for your first big race in no time.

Interested? Here are a few of the training tips and the basic schedule outlined in the Couch to 5K program.

In running, it doesn’t matter whether you come in first, in the middle of the pack, or last. You can say, ‘I have finished.’ There is a lot of satisfaction in that. – Fred Lebow, co-founder New York City Marathon

Tips for the Early Days

Starting off too fast too soon is a recipe for quitters. Many people dislike running because they do it the wrong way. Running when you’re out of shape is likely to lead to soreness, injury, and giving up completely. Beginnings runners must gradually ease themselves into a running program. In fact, the first few weeks may not involve running at all. Walking and slow jogging will gradually get you into running shape.

Even on the days you feel you could push harder or longer, don’t. You may regret it the next day. If you’re not progressing as fast as the schedule suggests, take your time and a deep breath. Repeat a week of training if necessary.
Ideally, your training will take place three days a week. It’s a good idea to avoid training on three consecutive days and aim for every other day so your body has time to recover. Otherwise, burn out may be in your near future.

At all levels of the program, start your workouts with a five-minute warm-up and end with a cool-down and stretching.

Time to Train

If you’re serious about running a 5K or are interested in seeing a detailed description of each workout, download the Couch to 5K app or a similar smart phone application.

There are three workouts for each of the nine weeks of training, making a total of 27 sessions. Each workout begins with a brisk five-minute walk to warm up. Here’s a quick summary of what you can expect each week.

Week One: For 20 minutes, alternate one minute of running with 90 seconds of walking.

Week Two: For 20 minutes, rotate between 90 seconds of running and two minutes of walking.

Week Three: Run 90 seconds, walk 90 seconds, run three minutes, walk three minutes. Repeat.

Week Four: Run three minutes, walk 90 seconds, run five minutes, walk two minutes, run three minutes, walk 90 seconds, then run five minutes.

Weeks Five through Eight: Each week has three different workouts that slowly increase the time spent running versus walking.

Week Nine: After your five-minute warm-up, run continuously for 30 minutes.

This training regimen has been tested by thousands of beginner runners who then go on to run their first 5K. You could be the next. What are you waiting for?

3 Mile Run???!?!?!??!?


exhausted runner sunset

So, it turns out that adding a mile to a 2 mile run when your fat and out of shape is not that easy.  I decided that I needed to up my run from 2 miles (which I have done only once) to 3 miles since the Spartan Sprint is 3+ miles. WOW!!! I was pretty bad at my 2 mile run time but my 3 mile is down right terrible. I think this is the most out of shape I have been in my whole life. It is amazing how easy it is to let yourself go.  I mean, all I had to do is not workout for the last 2-3 years and eat whatever I wanted and POW!!!!, I am fat and out of shape. I feel so bad for letting myself go so far from what I used to be. I think the main thing is that I am trying and have set goals for myself. Without setting goals I think that you are just spinning your wheels with no way to measure your progress.  Goal setting is very important not only for your progress tracking but also for motivation. Every time you hit a goal you get inspired and are able to push on. So be sure to set goals. Start with small goals so that you are able to hit them and don’t get discouraged. I did bad running but I did it and starting is 1/2 the battle. Set some goals and get started.   “The only way that you can finish anything, is to first start it.”

Have a great day! I wish you a happy and healthy life.

Share your goals with me and I’ll be sure to help motivate you. What is your goal?

90 Day Body Transformation Challenge


Today is the first day of my 90 Day Body Transformation Challenge. I am very excited I started my day of with a great lower body workout. My nutrition has been great I was just under my daily caloric intake and right on with my protein.

Tori and I have decided to do the two Spartan Races as part of our “fitness transformation” we are both very competitive and really enjoy watching the races on tv. The race days are January 25th, 2015 and April 18th, 2015. Check out our site for more information Over 40 Fitness 4 U.