You Win !!!!!!!


Everyone’s a winner with exercise.

In a race, those who finish first are awarded a medal. But in reality, all participants get a prize. It may not look like a gold medal, but the physical, emotional, and mental rewards are real and lasting.

A commitment to regular exercise isn’t in vain. The benefits of physical activity are many and well worth the effort. When the early morning workouts, the busyness of life, and your own laziness try to tell you otherwise, remind yourself of these truths and push on toward the goal. You’ll be a winner either way.

Weight Control

Starting with an obvious and much sought after reward, exercise is a key to helping you shed those extra pounds and enabling you to maintain a healthy weight. The effort of physical activity burns calories. And the more intense the exercise or the longer the duration, the more calories you’ll burn. Small increments of exercise can make a big difference in your weight loss efforts.

Overall Health

A second well-known reward of exercise is improved health. When your heart rate increases, it causes a cascade of positive effects on the health of your heart and circulatory system. A lowered risk of heart disease (a leading cause of death) and stroke, reduced bad cholesterol, a boost in good cholesterol, and prevention of high blood pressure are a few of the benefits.

An active lifestyle is also associated with a lowered risk of type 2 diabetes and certain cancers including lung, breast, and colon. Those with arthritis find that exercise is a great way to relieve pain and ease stiff joints.

Outlook on Life

Stressed out? In a bad mood or feeling blue? It’s time to start exercising. Exercise not only provides physical benefits, but psychological ones as well. No one wants to live with a cranky, uptight person, so blow off some steam and improve your outlook on life by going for a jog. Exercise stimulates the production of certain brain chemicals that help you relax while simultaneously curbing the production of chemicals responsible for nervous, edgy feelings.


The physical and psychological rewards of exercise lead to a boost in your confidence. Shedding a few pounds, reaching your fitness goals, and managing the stress in your life all contribute to an improved sense of self-esteem. So when you’re ready to feel better about yourself, get up and get moving!

Energy Level

Feeling dragged out may be related to poor diet, hormonal imbalances, or lack of sleep, but it could also very likely be due to sitting around all day. Exercise uses a lot of energy when you’re working out, but it gives you even more for the future. Physical activity increases your heart rate and breathing, allowing more oxygen and nutrients to be delivered to your body.

You can even prevent your mid-afternoon slump by going for a walk. You’ll be much more productive and focused when you do move your body for a bit. You may not feel like moving after a long day at the office, but it’s probably the best thing you could do for your short- and long-term energy and endurance levels.


Having trouble sleeping? Consider this: those who exercise are better sleepers. If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, try adding exercise into your daily routine and see if it helps. You may be surprised. Some people find that exercising too close to bedtime revs them up, so find a time earlier in the day for your workout.


The seventh reward of exercise is another you can’t see or touch, but it’s very real. Cardiovascular exercise stimulates the growth of new brain cells and improves brain function. Studies have shown that regular physical activity improves brain abilities like decision making, learning new skills, and memory for all ages, young and old.

2015 Body Transformation Challenge — Starts Tomorrow!!!!!



The 2015 Body Transformation Challenge

What to Lose 3-5 inches on your waist and 12-29 pounds in just 6 weeks?

1st & 2nd CASH PRIZES will be AWARDED for Highest Points Male, Highest Points Female and Best Before and After Pictures (which are voted on by all the challengers).

Contest winners are determined on a points system.  Point are awarded for percentage of Body Fat, Weight and Inches lost. There are many different ways to earn points. Complete details are given upon entry.

Prizes :

1st Place – $200(50% of entry will be put back into the prize pool)

2nd Place -$100(50% of entry will be put back into the prize pool)

As A Body Transformation Challenger You will Receive :

  • Fun and Exciting Daily Workouts sent to your email that are self-paced and can be customized for all fitness levels.
  • 6 weeks worth of great tasting meal plans
  • 50+ Easy to make recipes
  • 30+ different “Snack Ideas”
  • Dietary Fat Guide
  • Basic “Cheat Day” Guide
  • Grocery List
  • And much more…….

Best of all it is only $10

For More Information or to Sign Up

go to


Call 702-279-6787

2015 Body Transformation Challenge



The Basics of The 2015 Body Transformation Challenge

Anyone Can Join and Anyone Can Win!!!!

  •  Want to get  in the best shape of your life in just 6 weeks? Start any time in January and finish 6 weeks later.
  • Lose 3-5 inches on your waist and 12-29 pounds during the 6-Week Challenge.
  • Measurements and Pictures must be taken on start and finish date with newspaper to confirm date.
  • Points are awarded for percentage of inches, weight and body fat lost. Number of push-ups, bodyweight squats and burpees that you improve over the 6 weeks. Even Referring a friend to the Challenge earns you points, and there are many more way you can earn points…..anyone can win! (Full details are given upon joining.)
  • 1st & 2nd CASH PRIZES will be AWARDED for Highest Points Male, Highest Points Female and Best Before and After Pictures (which are voted on by all the challengers).
  • Prizes :

o   1st Place – $200 (minimum 50% of entry will be put back into the prize pool)

o   2nd Place -$100 (minimum 50% of entry will be put back into the prize pool)

  • As A Body Transformation Challenger You GET :

o   Fun and Exciting Daily Workouts sent to your email that are self-paced and can be customized for all fitness levels.

o   6 weeks worth of great tasting meal plans

o   50+ Easy to make recipes

o   30+ different  “Snack Ideas”

o   Dietary Fat Guide

o   Basic “Cheat Day” Guide

o   Grocery List

o   And much more…….

Best of all it is only $10

In January the Price Doubles

What do you have to lose other than pounds with a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE?

Sign Up  @


Call 702-279-6787


Not Worth Your Time!


Not Worth Your Time


Impressive-looking exercises that don’t yield equally impressive results.

Ever wonder why your workout routine isn’t helping you lose weight, build muscle, or improve your performance? Well, your problem likely isn’t a lack of will power or hard work, but it may be that you’ve been doing the wrong types of exercise the whole time.

Exercising day in and day out without seeing the results you hoped for may make you feel like giving up. You’re not alone. The majority of exercisers who don’t experience fruit from their labors get frustrated and end up quitting after just a few months of gym attendance. Who can blame them? Well, don’t give up yet. All you may need is some redirection.

Here are the type of exercises you’ll want to steer clear from. Sure, they may look impressive, but don’t be fooled—they aren’t going to help you reach your goals.

Anything Isolated

Exercises that isolate or focus on specific muscles and work only one joint are called isolation exercises. Bicep curls, triceps kickbacks, quadriceps extensions, lateral raises, leg curls, leg extensions, and crunches are a few of the more popular types of isolation exercises. If the exercise involves a weight machine, it’s probably isolating a certain muscle. Many exercisers go from one weight machine to the next with the goal of working each muscle group one at a time during the course of their workout. These types of exercises may look impressive, but they won’t produce the results you desire.

While isolation exercises have their place in a workout routine, they should be only a small part of yours. Isolation exercises should be reserved for those who need rehab following an injury, to strengthen a specific muscle that’s especially weak, or to increase the size or shape of a particular muscle. (For this reason, isolation exercises are often used by bodybuilders after they’ve developed a certain level of muscle mass.)

The Downside

Isolation exercises create a lower metabolic response since you’re not lifting much weight. Your heart rate won’t increase to the degree it would if you were using multiple muscles in a single movement. Don’t believe it? Watch someone do bicep curls and then watch another person do squats. Who looks like they’re working harder? Because of the lighter weight and focus on a single muscle, fewer calories are burned during isolation exercises.

Compound exercises, on the other hand, are much more effective at increasing strength, adding muscle, burning calories, improving performance, and getting a full body workout. Compound exercises incorporate multiple muscle groups and joints in a range of motion. Examples of compound exercises include all variations of squats, lunges, bench presses, deadlifts, pull-ups, rows, dips, and overhead presses. Building your routine around these types of exercises may be the key to seeing the results you desire.

A Few Tips

Don’t be a quitter because of a lack of results. While you may look impressive doing rep after rep of bicep curls and crunches, you won’t reap as many health and fitness benefits as you would with compound exercises. Never think it’s too late to change your workout routine. Beginners will really see the impact of avoiding exercises that only work a single muscle and joint at a time, as they’ll be able to accomplish a lot more in a lot less time.

If you’re ready to make better use of your time in the gym, work with your personal trainer and plan your workout routine around compound exercises, saving the isolation exercises for special situations and body builders.